Decision Making 101

Every so often the occasion arises for us to make a BIG DECISION.  You know what I’m talking about, those decisions that flip our current existence on its head and affect multiple aspects of our lives- family, friends, kids, financial standing, career, and location. Realising the impact these decisions have, we often put them off until we are forced into action by circumstance and have less choice on how to proceed.

Taking back control of your decision making can be incredibly empowering but also a wee bit terrifying. While some people have an inherent understanding of how to handle these choices, many struggle to take decisive action and end up feeling stuck, frustrated or boxed in. So let’s get back to basics and have a look at how to make active decisions that will keep you moving ahead in the direction you want to go.

Understand your values. Values are what drive us and failing to understand what they are, or how they have evolved over time can leave you feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied. Step back and consider your own key values, reflecting on each individually. Is it still relevant or has its priority changed in relation to different circumstances?

Clarify your goals.  Recognise and articulate what it is you want from life. Consider the benefits and consequences of both acting or not acting upon the opportunity. Does one path lead you closer towards your goal while the other holds you back?

Make a plan. It sounds obvious but failing to plan really is planning to fail. Set yourself a realistic time-frame with specific steps along the way. Brainstorm your resources, considering all your tools, networks and contacts, and build them into your plan. Be aware of your obstacles and plan for them too. Internal or external these can be a deciding factor in your success.

These steps will give you a framework to make the most of life changing opportunities, allowing you to stop stressing, procrastinating or avoiding the big decisions and take back control of your life.