Chaos Control: Staying Positive as a Working Mum

Well, well, well... I'm back from my working holiday, and it's safe to say that reality has hit me like a ton of bricks. As soon as I stepped through the door, the suitcases exploded a mountain of clothes and souvenirs so the house looked like a bomb had gone off, and my husband was inundated with work deadlines that saw him working through the night. To top it all off, my daughter's school uniforms seem to have shrunk while we were away, the kids are missing their Granny, and we're now in desperate need of a funeral for our pet mouse who unfortunately passed while we were gone.

But you know what? I'm not letting any of it bring me down! After all, I've just come back from an amazing trip filled with family time and fantastic memories. So, I'm taking a deep breath, rolling up my sleeves, and diving into the chaos headfirst. Who needs sleep anyway, right? Let's do this! 

All jokes aside, being a working mum is no easy feat. We're expected to balance a million things at once - from managing our careers, to taking care of our families, to maintaining our homes. And when things go wrong (as they often do), it can feel like we're barely keeping our heads above water. But the truth is, no matter how hectic our lives may be, it's important to stay positive and keep a sense of humour. After all, laughter is the best medicine, and sometimes all we can do is laugh at the chaos around us. So, in this article, we're going to explore some tips and tricks for staying positive as a working mum, even when it feels like everything is falling apart. From finding time for self-care, to leaning on our support networks, to embracing the power of a good laugh, there are plenty of ways to stay positive and resilient in the face of adversity. So, let's dive in and explore how we can make the most of this crazy, chaotic, and oh-so-rewarding journey of working motherhood.

 When things start to go wrong, it can be tempting to spiral into a negative mindset. Maybe you missed an important deadline at work, or your child got sick and you had to take time off, or maybe you just feel like you're not doing anything well. Whatever the case may be, it's important to remember that setbacks are a natural part of life, and they don't define your worth or your abilities.

Instead of dwelling on what's gone wrong, try to focus on what you can do to move forward. Maybe you need to ask for help from a colleague or friend, or perhaps you need to take a step back and reassess your priorities. It's okay to take a break, to ask for help, or to simply give yourself a pat on the back for all that you're already accomplishing.

One of the best ways to stay positive in the face of adversity is to surround yourself with supportive people. Whether it's your partner, your friends, or your co-workers, having a strong support network can make all the difference when things get tough. Don't be afraid to reach out for help or to vent your frustrations – chances are, the people in your life are going through similar struggles and can relate to what you're going through.

 Finally, remember to take care of yourself. As a working mother, it's easy to put your own needs last on the list, but self-care is essential for staying positive and resilient. Whether it's taking a bubble bath, going for a run, or simply taking a few deep breaths, find ways to prioritize your own well-being and give yourself the care and attention you deserve.

In the end, staying positive when it all goes wrong is about taking things one step at a time and giving yourself grace along the way. You're doing an amazing job as a working mother, and even when things get tough, remember that you're capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes your way. Keep your chin up, keep moving forward, and don't forget to give yourself a little love and appreciation along the way.